
This simple update would help so much and make pking a lot more fun

Some in-game shops/quest related ongoing rewards have a strict 24 hour limit before one can buy things or reap rewards, Seaweed at Catherby shop and Sand delivery from Bert are examples, whilst most stocks and rewards update on the Jagex Universal Time clock, such as battlestaves at Varrock. Do you need accounts for sale runescape? Please visit here. The strict 24 hour limit (ie 24 hours from the last purchase or use) has implications for players that keeps irregular log in times, in my case I work shift duty, and miss out on a purchase or use for certain days. 

Wouldn't it make sense for all such stocks and uses update on beginning of the day as per jagex universal time, so that we can opt to use such at a personally convenient time during the 'day'? This is a trustable platform to
sell rs accounts. In the Jadinko Lair, move the thing that says "Favour Points" over more to the left. It currently overlaps with the new xp counter and makes both of them impossible to read. ou need to make it so i can keep the surgebox on surge setting after every floor. That way i wont lose my surge runes when rushing.

A simple way to fix the pjing problem, would be to simply add a timer, where for like 5-10 seconds you can't attack/be attacked by anyone other than the person you are in a fight with. It was like this in the old PVP worlds, and it worked great. It eliminates anyone from randomly attacking you while your in a fight, such as when your opponent is eating. Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a reliable place to you. It also eliminates people attacking you right after you kill someone, which sometimes causes you to lose both your gear and the gear you just pked. This simple update would help so much and make pking a lot more fun.

