
Runescape is dead now

Runescape is dead now. Why are they still updating? Dragon Wolf my left nut. It looks like someone crossed a lady bug and a homeless man, then fused it with their ugly Tzhaar updates.They are still updating because they can and because I still play the game like many others. actually all three, started with pokemon, then digimon and ended with Yugioh. lol thanks for understanding. I used to like Pokemon a lot but I always loved Digimon more. Wait a minute, I thought this was Runescape's fanpage.diablo 3 gold for sale.but there are a lot of similarities don't you think? Especially the player base and some of the pets/familiars. I'd rather you spend all those R&D dollars on something like I don't know... Legitimate content. The outfits, although appealing to the bourgeois are redundant and are your excuse for a distraction from decent updates you can't afford to make because of the other menial content.

If Jagex ever planned making the old server back, Jagex should thank me for that Idea lol, I commented that in one of they're pictures before.Remember when Coke changed it’s formula -cheap runescape goldit’s taste?Despite the hype - consumers HATED it.So, what did the SMART company do? They offered the old formula - and the new.Make eoc worlds and normal worlds don't errase anything example world 1: trading : ping 68: so on in columns then : eoc ( tick or no tick) this will work if you read this ffs don't errase any character for eoc worlds or normal the key word here is eoc and normal NORMAL.

