
it is members

it is members only but the Demon Slayer Quest Rework is for both, free players and members. cindy worst part of eoc was the combat level change, i dont understand how that somehow makes it more balanced cause all i see is 200's. I love how there's an Adverse effect to using prayers, (particularly because the standard prayer books is presumably Saradoministic) But I feel that perhaps using Curse Prayers against them should still have some effect, even if it's minor.Why cant jagex ever make f2p just as fun as p2p?buy runescape account.I swear its like they dgaf about their free players those money hungry fags. I can't believe I'm about to say this, I may be returning to runescape! After eoc I quit for some time. After all, I have a good account.

if you could make more than one demon appear it would be awesome cause its tend to get crowded and please don't put the demons in the wildly I got killed with full bandos.Someone commented above about this. Mod Phoenix said he would give the suggestion to Jagex.selling runescape accounts.I think it's a nice idea so everyone gets their chance. We will see.I really don't get why so many people are hating if it wasn't for mods we wouldn't have the game we all play and love am I not right?Demon Flash Mobs + quest rework = great.Demonflesh cosmetic override? Not so great...Jagex, please revise the color scheme at least. It just doesn't go with anything!

