
I can't believe

I can't believe. You guys are still complaining about. All the changes in RS if you know runescape you'd know they bringing out 2006 classic RS event.there should not even be another option than directX.. the game is otherwise so laggy. so of course direct.I used directx before eoc..now i dont use any. I dont play anymore))but i will if old servers will come back.all Though I have an old machine and I'm forced to play in safe mode, I still can play with quite decent resolution and quality. Jagex programmers are monsters, lol.Btw, EOC RULES. Simply enough, runescape HAD to change in order to have new equipment, monsters, quests and so on. Can't you guys see?and I see why people support EoC now.buy world of warcraft accounts.It makes level 100s able to kill higher levels. It all makes sense now.
I was alright with all the updates until this one. Didn't even complain about polypore/soa/claws/korasi like everyone else did.
I don't care that they brought EoC in the problem is that you can't even play the old version of this game.

Jabez did you not learn that 97% of people is directX when it went down and it took u a week to get it fixed.I still play it everyone just pissed off cause they miss there poor little child hood , Grow up just except it jagex did the up date jesus sure good in 02 had memories but i accepted the EoC love it.And as for all the haters who don't like the EoC and miss their bot doing all the work, go play Minecraft you chublets.sell world of warcraft accounts.I've been playing Runescape on and off for 10 years now, more or less since it was released and to be honest all they changes and updates they have made are brilliant, OK the new combat system seems weird but i really like it, it fits in with today's MMO style of games, and the graphics changes are very welcome, if you don't like Runescape now that's fine, i'm not trying to argue with you and just saying today's Runescape for me is by far the best version of Runescape I've played.

