
The interface is new and different…

The interface is new and different...i understand that. Could you give us the option to keep the old interface? Why change a great interface that everyone knows. The new one seems in the way alot with everything. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? The square map takes up more space than the round one. The chat box is bulkier from the different chat options, so when i make it smaller i cant read what people type except for two or so at a time because with it bigger it interferes with me seeing my game play.

I only have a 15 in. screen on my laptop and i can see how this would help with someone on a desktop with a huge screen to move stuff around and be more into the game. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. To me everything seems cobbled on the interface compared to the one everyone is used to. So please give us the option to keep the old interface, or let us vote to give us..."the players of the game"... the option. Id like to hear something back about this please and thank you.

Will we be able to use the client in runescape 2, when the new interface system comes out? or do we have to all use the new interface system?Take your time on answering the question too jagex, you guys must be working really hard and keep up the good work jagex your making it a fun game for everyone. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. I cant stand the layout... Its just not for me. Tbh the old game was just fine. If I keep one thing it would be the old fixed screen layout.

