seem to be one of those who get
very low FPS. I think I'll let it be for
today, and check back tomorrow - there's no enjoyment to be had from 3-7 FPS.
And at low settings, it truly isn't that different from Java version. The
atmosphere feels a lot darker somehow though, maybe it's just the
shadings? I want runescape
accounts for sale, and am looking for places to
buy. But sure was a laugh to have the Saradomin church in Lumbridge to look like
it was razed to ground. Well, until it loaded to its full glory a minute
I had to go through that JAG stuff too - and I'm playing on the same computer I've used before. Weird, eh? Even though my FPS is low, I gotta say the Graphics details, bloom, colors and the shadows especially(they are exact of all models even scenery) looks great. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. However the inventory is no longer transparent, and all items have Shadow - does the same on Bank and seems to drop even more the FPS.

I had to go through that JAG stuff too - and I'm playing on the same computer I've used before. Weird, eh? Even though my FPS is low, I gotta say the Graphics details, bloom, colors and the shadows especially(they are exact of all models even scenery) looks great. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. However the inventory is no longer transparent, and all items have Shadow - does the same on Bank and seems to drop even more the FPS.
ust logged in for the first time today.
While the current build is certainly buggy, I believe it has a lot of
potential. It does look like POH's will be needing an emergency facelift sooner
rather than later, though. t has html5=1 on my address bar but from what I hear
it should have something on my game screen telling me I am in the beta, I have
nothing on my game screen except for what has always been there. Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a
reliable place to you. Using Chrome
btw if you missed my last post. Epic, just epic! the draw distance is awesome!
Only monstrously big problem is with the framerate