Ok... So I have an idea for the next
chapter or quest. It shall be called Betryal. Sliske who is a "Zarosian
Mahjarrat" was secretly working for Zamorak to bring Zamorak back to
Gelinor. And the quest goes on as When Sliske explains he was given power by
Zamorak and was raised by him. Sliske then transform him self to look like
Azzandra and asks the player for the ritual items for the revival of Zamorak. I
want runescape
accounts for sale, and am looking for places to
buy. As the player gets the final item and returns it to Sliske, Azzandra
teleports to us.
Continued.... Azzandra asks Sliske why he
betrayed them. Sliske answers by revealing a Zamorakian Sign and summoning
K'ril Tsutsaroth. Azzandra then kills K'ril and starts battling Sliske. The
player tries to help Azzandra but gets teleported to Varrock. As the Battle ends Sliske Comes
out Victirous and steals Azzandra's powers Leaving Azzandra to die. You can go
to this place to sell rs
accounts. And the Story will kepping going until
next time on Runescape gods. When u said we're gonna write the rest of the
story, does that mean theres gonna be new quests?
I honestly don't understand what people see
in 07. Certaintly the EoC cb system isn't perfect, but it will improve in
time. EoC has so many more exciting quests, minigames, D and Ds, along with a
better clan system, better bosses, better PvM, more skills, more players,
actual content updates, and much more. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. I mean nostalgia is worth something,
but don't let it blind you by saying that "07 is better den eoc hur".