
it's time for a new edition of the rs Community RoundUp

Pull up a chair and heat up a cabbage, it's time for a new edition of the Community RoundUp!

sorry mod rocket but old runescape was more perfect i dont want 2007 i want 2011 or 2010 xD like if u with me buy rs accounts.

how about you let 2007 take the updates we loved and deny the bad ones (POLLS) and let 2007 became you beloved 2011...besides mmg said it was not possible because the only backup was of 2007 cry baby.

That's a beautiful picture! Why can't you guys appreciate it and stop complaining? yea umm jagex just stop with eoc you guys suck at making games just stop I played for 5 years and you guys ruined the game just stop.

 go play 2007. I love the newer version, so be quiet. at least this new version is more interactive, better graphics, and gets more out of the game. The only ones that are in denial are all the idiots that can't stop selling runescape accounts living in the past, and accept the fact that things change! EoC is not going anywhere, so if you miss it that much, then you would be playing old school!

